Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Sanskrit terms for 60 Year, Month , Tithi , Nakshathram

The 60-year cycle of the Tamil Calendar is followed in TamilNadu and also found in many North and South Indian traditional calendars, with the same name and sequence of years.
Its earliest reference is to be found in Surya Siddhanta, which Varahamihirar (550 CE) believed to be the most accurate of the then current theories of astronomy. However, in the Surya Siddhantic list, the first year was Vijaya and not Prabhava as currently used.
After the completion of sixty years, the calendar starts anew with the first year. This corresponds to the Hindu "century." The Vakya or Tirukannitha Panchangam (the traditional Tamil almanac) outlines this sequence.
The following list presents the current 60-year cycle of the Tamil calendar:
No. Name Name (English) Gregorian Year No. Name Name (English) Gregorian Year
01. Prabhava 1987 - 1988
02. Vibhava 1988 - 1989
03. Sukla 1989 - 1990
04. Pramodhoodha 1990 - 1991
05. Prachorpaththi 1991 - 1992
06. Aangirasa 1992 - 1993
07. Srimukha 1993 - 1994
08. Bhava 1994 - 1995
09. Yuva 1995 - 1996
10. Thaadhu 1996 - 1997
11. Eesvara 1997 - 1998
12. Vehudhanya 1998 - 1999
13. Pramathi 1999 - 2000
14. Vikrama 2000 - 2001
15. Vishu 2001 - 2002
16. Chitrabaanu 2002 - 2003
17. Subaanu 2003 - 2004
18. Thaarana 2004 - 2005
19. Paarthiba 2005 - 2006
20. Viya 2006 - 2007
21. Sarvajith 2007 - 2008
22. Sarvadhari 2008 - 2009
23. Virodhi 2009 - 2010
24. Vikruthi 2010 - 2011
25. Kara 2011 - 2012
26. Nandhana 2012 - 2013
27. Vijaya 2013 - 2014
28. Jaya 2014 - 2015
29. Manmatha 2015 - 2016
30. Dhunmuki 2016 - 2017
31. Hevilambi 2017 - 2018
32. Vilambi 2018 - 2019
33. Vikari 2019 - 2020
34. Sarvari 2020 - 2021
35. Plava 2021 - 2022
36. Subakrith 2022 - 2023
37. Sobakrith 2023 - 2024
38. Krodhi 2024 - 2025
39. Visuvaasuva 2025 - 2026
40. Parabhaava 2026 - 2027
41. Plavanga 2027 - 2028
42. Keelaka 2028 - 2029
43. Saumya 2029 - 2030
44. Sadharana 2030 - 2031
45. Virodhikrithu 2031 - 2032
46. Paridhaabi 2032 - 2033
47. Pramaadhisa 2033 - 2034
48. Aanandha 2034 - 2035
49. Rakshasa 2035 - 2036
50. Nala 2036 - 2037
51. Pingala 2037 - 2038
52. Kalayukthi 2038 - 2039
53. Siddharthi 2039 - 2040
54. Raudhri 2040 - 2041
55. Thunmathi 2041 - 2042
56. Dhundubhi 2042 - 2043
57. Rudhrodhgaari 2043 - 2044
58. Raktakshi 2044 - 2045
59. Krodhana 2045 - 2046
60. Akshaya 2046 - 2047
The 12 Months are : Chitthirai/MEsham , VaikAsi /Vrushabham ,
Aani/MiTunam , Aadi/KaDakam , AavaNi/Simham , PuratAsi/KanyA
Ippasi/TulA , Kaarthikai/Vrucchikam , Maarghazhi/Danus , Thai/Makara ,
Maasi/Kumbha , Panguni/Meena .
The 27 Nakshathrams :
Aswathi/Aswinee , BharaNi/apabharaNee , Kaarthikai/ Krutthikaa ,
ROhiNi/ROhiNee , Mrugaseersham/Mrugasiras , hiruvAdhirai/AardhrA ,
Punarpoosam / PunarvasU , Poosam /Pushyam, Aayilyam.AaslEshA ,
Makam / MaghA , Pooram/Poorvabhalgunee , Hstham/HasthA ,
Chittirai/ChithrA , SvAthi / SvAthee , VisAkam/VsAkaa ,
anusham/anurAdhA , KEttai/JyEshtA , Moolam/ oolaa ,
PoorAdam , PoorvAshADaa , UttharAdam/UtthaAshAdaa ,
ThiruvONam/SravaNam , Avittam/Dhanishtaa , Sathayam/Sathabhishak , >
PorrattAthi/Poorvabhadhra ,
UttharattAdhi/UthrabhdhrA , Revathy/REvathee .
The 15 Thithis:
Prathama , Dhvidhiyaa, Thrutheeyaa , Chathurthi , Panchami ,
Shashti , Sapthami , Ashtami , Navami , Dasami , EkAdasi , DhwAdasi ,
ThrayOdasi , Chathurdasi , AmmAvAsyai or PourNami .
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This post was written by: deivam P Mohanraj
deivam P Mohanraj is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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