Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mostly asked Interview Questions


Adequate preparation is key to have great and successful interview session. Preparing yourself regarding answering the questions is actually preparation of job interview. What type of questions potential employer can ask you is very important to know. Here we give a list of mostly asked interview questions that you should keep in mind while going for interview. Potential employer tries to gauge your professional skills and other qualifications for certain position in the organization. Sometimes it is difficult to answer the questions asked by employer on the spot so be prepared and keep in mind these interview questions to be asked.

Why do you want to work here?

This is common question asked by employers when you have interview session with them. You should highlight the aspects to have that company in line of potential companies.

What are your weaknesses?

Tell the employer that you can improve on the situation when he asks you about your weaknesses. You can also answer this question in the way that there was time when you were not able to address with group of people but now you have improved yourself regarding this.

Why should we hire you?

Employer will surely want to know why you are to be hired for a responsible position and ultimately he will ask you this question? You must Highlights records of your achievements and success that you make throughout your career life. Providing such type of information will satisfy the employer to very extent.

Tell me about your goals?

This question is also asked by most of the employers and you should describe your short term goals that you want to achieve in near future.

Why you left your previous job?

You will be definitely asked this question if you have some experience. So you should be clear and give concise answer of such questions. Tell the employer principal reasons that may include opportunities of progression and aspirations.

What are your professional skills?

Employer would like to know area of your expertise and want to know special skills you have to be more productive for his organization. So be preparing to answer this question and highlight your professional skills to win the interview session.

How much experience you have?

Experience is considered most of concern of employer when he is looking for a productive person to hire in his organization. This question is very important to ask by employer and stands in the list of top ten interview questions.

How much salary you are expecting?

After evaluating your professional skills, qualification and experience, employer will come to the detailed discussion of future consideration of hiring you. He will ask you about salary package and you must give a rational answer of this question. Keep in mind the career ethics when answering this question.

Are you satisfied with your career directions?

This question relates with your self esteem, aspirations and confidence. Your answer for this question must be YES by explaining how much you are happy with your career and also tell the reasons to employer.

How long would you stay with us?

Job change has become a common practice among people and they leave jobs on any stage of their career. That’s why employers are being conscious when they hire a person in their companies. In this situation, asking this question is very important and you must give a clear and concise answer of this question.

These questions are mostly asked by the employer so you must be well prepared for job interview to have useful discussion with interviewer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011 by deivam P Mohanraj · 1

1 Responses to “Mostly asked Interview Questions”

Placement Papapers said...
April 15, 2011 at 6:17 PM

Thanks for sharing this interview questions.

Placement Papers

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