Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back Bone Problems


Posture & It’s Effects

Have you ever been in a rush and just sat at the computer real quick? Were both your feet touching the ground, neck looking straight forward, or wrists raised from the keyboard? The answer to those questions for majority of people would say no. This is all a main cause and effect of bad posture.
Slouching, not sitting correctly in your chair, or not having your two feet touch the ground are inncorrect.

Your computer monitor should be eye level or slightly lower.
Your wrists should be raised form the keyboard and mouse to the right of your keyboard.
Shoulders downward and back help make your back straight.
Sitting correctly in a chair with your back straight helps relieve all back problems.
Keeping your neck straight forward at your monitor relives neck and cramps in your shoulders.
Having both feet on the ground keeps a good center of balance.
If you ever get stiff look on my blog for good streches!
Saturday, March 26, 2011 by deivam P Mohanraj · 0

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